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Newest Version Of Mac Os

How to downgrade macOS version (using Time Machine) Time Machine. Enter the Time Machine backup disk into your Mac. Restart Click on the apple icon and press Restart. Toggle through the snapshots with the arrows until you find an appropriate date before updating to the latest OS version. In Mojave or Catalina: Open System Preferences. Click on Software Update. Check the box beside Download new updates when available. Now select the box Install macOS updates. Mac OS El Capitan is the twelfth major release of Mac OS X, that now named as Mac OS X, the latest version is 10.11 for Apple Inc, desktop. Mac OS X El Capitan is one of the most famous operating systems for Macintosh computers. It is a successor to Mac OS Yosemite and forms on performance, and security more following in northern California, the final version and latest version of Mac OS X El Capitan was released under the name of OS X was announced by macOS Sierra, and the first beta Mac OS.


Office for Mac that comes with a Microsoft 365 subscription is updated on a regular basis to provide new features, security updates, and non-security updates. The following information is primarily intended for IT professionals who are deploying Office for Mac to the users in their organizations.


  • Starting with Version 16.21, Microsoft Teams will be installed by default for new installations if you're using the Office suite install package. For more information, see Microsoft Teams installations on a Mac.
  • For security reason, Microsoft has deprecated the use of SHA-1. Learn more
  • Starting with the 16.17 release in September 2018, this information also applies to Office 2019 for Mac, which is a version of Office for Mac that’s available as a one-time purchase from a retail store or through a volume licensing agreement.
  • The update history information for version 16.16 and earlier also applies to Office 2016 for Mac, which is also a version of Office for Mac that’s available as a one-time purchase. Older versions up to and including 16.16 can be activated with an Office 2016 for Mac volume license. You can’t activate version 16.17 or later with an Office 2016 for Mac volume license. For information about Office 2016 for Mac releases from September onward, see Release notes for Office 2016 for Mac
  • For information about the features, security updates, and non-security updates that are included in a given release of Office for Mac, see Release notes for Office for Mac.
  • If you want early access to new releases, join the Office Insider program.

Most current packages for Office for Mac

The following table lists the most current packages for the Office suite and for the individual applications. The Office suite includes all the individual applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. All packages are 64-bit only. The build date is listed in parentheses, in a YYMMDD format, after the version number. Squeeze 11 1 0 – extensive video compression toolkit software. The install package is used if you don't have the application already installed, while the update package is used to update an existing installation.

Printer scanner for mac. To view release notes, see Release notes.

October 13, 2020

Version 16.42 (20101102)

ApplicationDownload linksSHA-256 hash for install package
Office suite (with Teams)Install package8AC425F0E31869B32C323F4349FB48E9B1C3A114B77EA68897D97C50D9B8BECB
Office suite (without Teams)Install package5FA1084BD240BF10FAAF94D908492939807EAD8E014582DCB2ADE7ECC484276B
WordInstall package
Update package
ExcelInstall package
Update package
PowerPointInstall package
Update package
OutlookInstall package
Update package
OneNoteUpdate packageNot applicable

Release history for Office for Mac

The following table provides release history information and download links for Office for Mac. The table is ordered by release date, with the most recent release date listed first. The build date is listed in parentheses, in a YYMMDD format, after the version number. All releases after August 22, 2016 are 64-bit only. All releases prior to August 22, 2016 are 32-bit only.


Download links are only provided for the most recent releases.

Release dateVersionInstall packageUpdate packages
October 13, 202016.42 (20101102)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
September 15, 202016.41 (20091302)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
August 11, 202016.40 (20081000)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
July 14, 202016.39 (20071300)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
June 16, 202016.38 (20061401)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
May 12, 202016.37 (20051002)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
April 21, 202016.36 (20041300)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
April 14, 202016.36 (20041300)Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
March 10, 202016.35 (20030802)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
February 11, 202016.34 (20020900)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
January 14, 202016.33 (20011301)Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
December 10, 2019
16.32 (19120802)
Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
November 12, 2019
16.31 (19111002)
Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
October 15, 2019
16.30 (19101301)
Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
September 18, 2019
16.29.1 (19091700)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint
September 10, 2019
16.29 (19090802)
Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
August 13, 2019
16.28 (19081202)
Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
July 16, 2019
16.27 (19071500)
Office suite (with Teams)
Office suite (without Teams)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
June 11, 2019
16.26 (19060901)

May 14, 2019
16.25 (19051201)

April 16, 2019
16.24 (19041401)

March 27, 2019
16.23.1 (19032603)
March 12, 2019
16.23.0 (19030902)

February 20, 2019
16.22 (19022000)

January 24, 2019
16.21 (19011700)
January 16, 2019
16.21 (19011500)
December 11, 2018
16.20 (18120801)
November 13, 2018
16.19 (18110915)
October 16, 2018
16.18 (18101400)
September 11, 2018
16.17 (18090901)
August 14, 2018
16.16 (18081201)
July 10, 2018
16.15 (18070902)
June 13, 2018
16.14.1 (18061302)
June 12, 2018
16.14.0 (18061000)
May 24, 2018
16.13.1 (18052304)
May 23, 2018
16.13.1 (18052203)
May 15, 2018
16.13.0 (18051301)
April 11, 2018
16.12.0 (18041000)
March 19, 2018
16.11.1 (18031900)
March 13, 2018
16.11.0 (18031100)
February 13, 2018
16.10.0 (18021001)
January 26, 2018
16.9.1 (18012504)
January 18, 2018
16.9.0 (18011602)
December 12, 2017
15.41.0 (17120500)
November 14, 2017
15.40.0 (17110800)
October 10, 2017
15.39.0 (17101000)
September 12, 2017
15.38.0 (17090200)
August 15, 2017
15.37.0 (17081500)
July 21, 2017
15.36.1 (17072101)
July 11, 2017
15.36.0 (17070200)
June 16, 2017
15.35.0 (17061600)
June 13, 2017
15.35.0 (17061000)
May 16, 2017
15.34.0 (17051500)
April 11, 2017
15.33.0 (17040900)
March 14, 2017
15.32.0 (17030901)
February 16, 2017
15.31.0 (17021600)
January 11, 2017
15.30.0 (17010700)

High Sierra is an update of MacOS which focuses mostly on back-end developments and a higher level of user security. As such, this operating system lays a foundation for future upgrades.

Stay safe

In essence, High Sierra took what was good with Sierra and developed it into a more comprehensive software.

Download Newest Version Of Mac Os

High Sierra emphasizes the already-existing benefits of MacOS previous system, Sierra. There are few bells and whistles, but the changes are noticeable and positive. The Apple file system is the most significant feature it brought. It enables the storage and encryption of a large number of files. Free the big lebowski vostfr rapidshare download. Thus, it boosts performance and helps manage device memory issues.

Apple also introduced new formats for video and photos in this version. These formats compress data - that’s a benefit as files can get huge with ever-rising resolutions. They added support for virtual reality headsets as well.

Besides that, when it comes to Safari, Mac search engine, there are some notable improvements with the update. The users can now control annoying auto-play videos, prevent tracking, and more. There are also notification controls, and you will experience a boost in performance, too. My passport for mac open on windows.


Appstore vn android. The most noticeable changes took place in Apple’s Photo App, though. It went through a total revamp both visually in its interface and terms of tools and functions available. Many other discreet changes happened all over the system.

Where can you run this program?

If you’re running Sierra on your Mac, you will be able to run this one as well.

Is there a better alternative?

How To Install Newest Version Of Mac Os X


Yes. Mojave, the newest version of MacOS, brought even more improved features to the table. However, if you can’t run it on your device, this is the second best.

Our take

High Sierra is not the shiniest upgrade Apple brought, but it’s one that sets the stage for new upgrades to come. Even out of that context, it’s a great operating system.

Should you download it?

Yes, if your device can support it. The new options and better security settings are worth getting. Office 2011 for mac crack. Scp server for mac.


Newest Version Of Mac Os
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